Image Gallery - The Gallery


These are some of the stranger images inspired by my work in fullerenes and nanoscience. If you are interested in using these images please contact me. Please don't use without permission. All images on this site are ©Chris Ewels. Click on an image to see a larger version.. The main image gallery is here.

Buckyball round the world
Dreams of Buckminster Fuller
Buckminster Fuller, famous for his geodesic dome structures, once designed a dome large enough to cover mid-town Manhattan. Now his structures are reappearing in the chemistry of the nanoscale. So why not extrapolate a little?!
KC60 with galaxy backdrop
Born in stardust
C60, the carbon molecule which arguably started the whole nanoscience revolution in the eighties, was originally discovered by accident - by a group of scientists trying to understand the formation and behaviour of carbon molecules in interstellar gas clouds.
Slice through silicon 90 partial with hydrogenated soliton
Yesterday's Technology
Is silicon technology really reaching its limits? Despite predictions of its demise silicon continues to lead the electronics field, particularly with innovations such as strained silicon and new silicon based millipede data storage set to overtake hard disk drives. The image is a slice through a dislocation in silicon containing a hydrogenated soliton. (Millipede now gone nano!)
Kinked nanotube on table
Shaken not stirred..
View along the core of a double walled carbon nanotube (two nanotubes, one inside the other).
Kinked nanotube on table
Tabletop Models
A knee join between two nanotubes of different sizes (8,0)-(7,1). To form the joint a pentagon (blue) and heptagon (yellow) are required in the network of hexagons. The lower half of this hybrid is a semiconductor, the upper part is a metallic chiral nanotube. From the work of Phillipe Lambin.
Floating Fullerenes
Nanoscience is a subject defined by its dimension. Sometimes it's fun to play with that a little... (if a buckyball was as big as a football, a football would be as big as the earth!) These flourinated fullerenes come from the work of Roger Taylor and Adam Darwich
Russian Dolls
Carbon Onions are carbon balls (fullerenes) within carbon balls. The image shown is C540 enclosing C240, itself enclosing C60 (from a computer calculation by the AIMPRO group). Many carbon nanostructures are remeniscent of the marine biology diagrams of Ernst Haekel.
Nanotube in hot gas plasma Nanoship
A tribute to classic Sci-Fi book covers of the 70s and 80s - vast spacecraft or tiny molecule? Nano - it's all a question of scale...
Flourinated Fullerenes
More flourinated fullerenes from the work of Roger Taylor and Adam Darwich
and some alternative views...
Images created by Chris Ewels

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Last modified November 7, 2006