A selection of images of graphene and graphite from my
research, created using povray. If you are interested in
using these images please
contact me. Please don't use without permission. All images on this site are ©Chris
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Along with diamond, graphite is one of the standard forms
of carbon. The atoms are arranged in sheets, in a hexagonal pattern like chicken wire. The sheets
lie on top of each other. You can see the connection between graphite and nanotubes here.
Graphene has a similar structure to graphite but is a single isolated sheet of carbon. |
Graphene C62H20
A 'flake' of graphite with hydrogen used to terminate the dangling bonds.
Graphene with adatom C63H20
A two-fold coordinated additional carbon atom on a graphene sheet
(represents one of the stable structures of a carbon interstitial
on graphite). |
Graphene with adatom
pair C64H20
Two additional carbon atoms on a graphene sheet (represents an interstitial
pair on the surface of graphite). |
Graphene with CO3 molecule
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