- ...ENDOR
- `NL' stands for the
Netherlands, where one of the major ENDOR groups is based
- ...Czochralski
- Pronounced choh-KRAL-skee
- ...Cz-Si
- Large quantities
of oxygen in silicon were first reported from optical absorption
experiments in the 1950s [2].
- ...Si
- Bob Falster from MEMC, at the NATO ARW
`Oxygen '96', said that the biggest question facing Si researchers
was, `What happens in the first ten minutes of annealing?'
- ...donors
- Thermal donors were first observed in 1954 by Fuller
et al [8]
- ...samples
- Rob Ammerlaan:
`Its [H] traces were also observed in almost all the samples that were
not intentionally diffused with hydrogen, confirming the hydrogen
contamination of commercially available high-grade silicon'
- ...HREF="node51.html#fig:inp_clus">4.1a)
- AIMPRO can also tackle
much larger problems, given sufficient computing time; it has been
used to self-consistently relax an 840 atom carbon `bucky-onion', one
of the largest DFT calculations performed to date.
- ...Cz-Si
- The experimental work
was also performed in collaboration with Vladimir Markevich and
Leonard Murin.
- ...species
- There seems no obvious pattern to the choice of
occupancies and for this reason pseudo-potential generation is often
seen as something of a `black art'.
- ...
- These determine the chemical bonding in the
- ...bulk
- 1 Ry = 13.6058eV
- ...gaps
- In the case of diamond these two effects almost cancel,
giving an AIMPRO calculated bandgap of 5.0 eV in a 71 atom cluster,
C35H36, compared to the experimental figure of
5.5 eV[47].
- ...community
- Rob Ammerlaan, in the NATO Oxygen'96 ARW
proceedings says, `By inspection of the [...] unsolved problems
related to TDs one concludes that whereas the general properties of
these centres are well studied and, for the major part, understood,
the microscopic picture is nearly completely missing'.
- ...literature
- Seamus McQuaid, private communication, `Some of
the experimental (not to mention theoretical) data must be
- ...data
- Be warned that these arguments necessarily become quite
involved, and a stiff drink may be required!
- ...path
- Using an analogy of Bobs, TD1 and TD2 are `neanderthal
species' that form in parallel to the evolution of trimers to TD3, and
die out during the annealing.
- ...research
- Dimer modelling described here led successful
experimental research to find further absorption modes.