As well as the experiments described above, there is some work specifically relevant to the (CH)iO4i defect.
Recent experimental work by Markevich and Suezawa has identified an
EPR active centre that forms in irradiated material containing both H
and O [217]. This EPR `D1 centre' is stable
in the singly negative charge state, but has an alternative structure
which is only marginally stable in the neutral charge state before
spontaneously forming a metastable +1 charge state structure. The -1
charge state is a deep level defect, however both the neutral and +1
charge state defects are shallow (identified using DLTS). It is
present in concentrations of up to 1015 cm-3, and is a
negative-U centre with U -0.065 eV [218]. It
has a g-tensor remarkably similar to that of NL10(H), and an
activation energy for generation of 1.68 eV [219],
suggesting it grows by dimer addition (since the dimer migration
barrier is approximately 1.7 eV, see Chapter 6). They are
produced in hydrogenated Cz-Si crystals after electron irradiation and
annealing at 300-400
[220,217]. Above around 400
they transform into further D2 and D3 centres, all of which anneal out
at 550-600
C. Their formation corresponds with the loss of
CiOi absorption signal. D1 displays well-resolved hyperfine
interactions of the unpaired electron with a 29Si atom which
shows isotropic s-type character; this is not consistent with either
our calculations or published EPR results on the NL10 centres. The
electronic IR signals for the D centres are in some cases very close
to those of NL10(H), in other cases identical (for 1s
2p0 transitions, the D centres absorb at 249.7, 204.4 and
198.8 cm-1, compared to 208.7, 204.2 and 198.2 cm-1 for
NL10(H)). In addition the D series donor levels lie at 42.6, 37.0 and
36.3 meV [217], whereas the nearest NL10(H)
members lie at 37.8, 37.0 and 36.3 meV [200].
Thus it appears that the D1 centre is a precursor to NL10(H), whereas D2 and D3 correspond to two of the NL10(H) centres. D1 dies away at the same temperature as NL10(H) increases, which adds weight to this suggestion. The isotropic EPR signal of D1 suggests it is quite different from any of the centres modelled here.