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In N and O implanted FZ-Si [173], or in Cz-Si grown in a N2
atmosphere [174,175], NNO complexes are formed by annealing
between 400 and 700
C. Under these conditions, the intensity
of the localised vibrational modes (LVMs) due to the N-pair are
progressively reduced and three other IR-absorption lines at 1026, 996
and 801 cm-1 (room temperature) become increasingly
prominent. The intensities of these lines are correlated with each
other [175] and they are believed to be due to NNO complexes. This
is because Oi atoms become mobile around 400
C and become
trapped by N-pair defects which are stable at this temperature. Beyond
C these complexes break up with the emission of
Oi leaving the N-pair. Cooling allows the NNO complexes to reform.
This dissociation and reformation is reversible.
Chris Ewels