A selection of images of graphene, created using povray. If you are interested in
using these images please
contact me. Please don't use without permission. All images on this site are ©Chris
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Note, there are more pictures of defects in graphene, and graphene-related structures here.
Graphene has a similar structure to graphite but is a single isolated sheet of carbon. |
Graphene C62H20
A strip of graphene. Although graphene has been known about for a long time (it's a favourite for computer
modellers who want to simulate graphite), it's only since 2004 that it has been isolated experimentally - individual
graphene layers were pulled off the surface of graphite using sellotape!
Graphene C62H20
A 'flake' of graphite with hydrogen used to terminate the dangling bonds.
Graphene with adatom C63H20
A two-fold coordinated additional carbon atom on a graphene sheet
(represents one of the stable structures of a carbon interstitial
on graphite). |
Graphene with adatom
pair C64H20
Two additional carbon atoms on a graphene sheet (represents an interstitial
pair on the surface of graphite). |
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