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Definitions and Notation

Abbreviation Definition
AIMPRO Ab Initio Modelling PROgram
CNDO Complete Neglect of Differential Overlap
DFT Density Functional Theory
DLTS Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy
EMT Effective Mass Theory
ENDOR Electron Nuclear DOuble Resonance spectroscopy
EPR Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
FTIR Fourier Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy
LDA Local Density Approximation
LVM Local Vibrational Mode
MINDO/3 Modified Intermediate Neglect of Differential Overlap
PL Photoluminescence
PTIS Photo-Thermal Ionisation Spectroscopy
STD Shallow Thermal Donor
TD Thermal Donor (also TDD, Thermal Double Donor)

Certain standard notations have been adopted when labelling defects. Defects identified in the format NLx, where x is numeric, have been detected using EPR and ENDOR[*]. Defects detected using PL are referred to by the single letter label given to their zero phonon line, e.g. `P-line' defects. There is no standard notation for defects detected using FTIR. Note that the same defect may be known under different names depending on the method used to detect it. Detailed correlation experiments are required to determine this. Equally, since defect signals are assigned a given notation, it may be that the same defect in different charge or spin states may have been assigned different names.

All equations are in atomic units unless stated, i.e. $\hbar$,e, me and $4\pi\varepsilon_0$ are all set to unity. The results chapters use Angstroms (Å) for length and electron volts (eV) for energy since these are generally used in the field; 1 a.u. of energy is 27.212 eV, 1 a.u. of length is 0.529 Å.

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Chris Ewels